


A tool developed in Python for enumerating and scanning WordPress websites. It is an easy-to-use tool that can be run from the command line. WPyScan can enumerate and find any vulnerability associated with version, theme and plugins installed.

  • WordFence WordPress Vulnerability Database
  • Brute Force enumeration available for almost any check
  • WAF Bypass with random user agents by default
  • Measures for CAPTCHA avoidance


#passman is a password generator and manager built using Python and SQLite3. It has a nice GUI made with Tkinter and CustomTkinter.

It’s not a final version as I coded it as a 24h. straight coding challenge. The installation is not a proper installation process and it’s not correct by any means. The point of this repo is to share it with the community and see how far can it go with other’s modifications. Please, feel free to fork it and share your improvements.

>_ Sheller

Sheller is a simple Online Reverse Shell Generator built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

I have based this project on the amazing RevShells that supports way more languages and variants of all type of shells. I just wanted this project to be as simple as possible although I’m thinking of adding more features.


Fingerprinter is a simple Browser Fingerprinter built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

I have based this project on FingerprintJS but adding some extra features out of the scope of browser fingerprinting as a PoC of how much data can be easily gathered from a client when visiting a website.

Python Hacking Tools

One of the most valuable skills as a Red Team Operator is the ability to build your own tools. During my learning path to the PCEP and later the PCAP I started coding my own Python hacking toolkit. I keep adding tools to this project as I code them - generally during my job as a red teamer.